
By SignalZen

SignalZen is a website live chat solution that allows you to engage and communicate with your website visitors directly from Slack. You can start accepting online chat sessions from your clients by creating an account at SignalZen and installing a little piece of HTML code into your website's code. Out of the box, we also offer WordPress, Joomla, Drupal, and Zapier integrations. This Slack App allows you to communicate with visitors to your website in real time. There are two types of integrations available: Still, communicate with your website visitors by responding to threads on the appropriate channel. Chat by joining separate channels for each chat session if it's too noisy. You will be able to connect to Slack after creating an account on our webpage by completing a simple wizard sequence. You'll be able to use a lot of Slack features with this configuration, including: Notifications of new chat sessions Using threads or specific channels to communicate Slack interaction