
By WebGreeter

WebGreeter is a live chat software that helps enterprises to provide live chat services with minimum glitches and a smooth visitor experience. It offers live chat services to over ten industries in 8 different time zones irrespective of their sizes. The solutions provided by the software are customisable and easy to use. Through WebGreeter, organisations are increasing their conversation rates online. It enriches the experience of clients by delivering an enhanced client experience. The software is operated by highly skilled professionals so getting solutions to problems is a matter of minutes. Further, it is a BI-driven software that helps its clients to better understand the customers’ needs. By opting for this software one can get a fully responsive CRM integration. Besides, one can get cross-platform support 24*7 through this platform. The software also includes social media integration services that help understand clients in an improved way. It also tracks the behaviour of the visitors to understand their requisitions. It assures immediate service provision to the visitors of